Flip-flop types, their Conversion and Applications
Flip-flop is a circuit that maintains a state until directed by input to change the state. A basic flip-flop can be constructed using four-NAND or four-NOR gates. Types of flip-flops: RS Flip Flop JK Flip Flop D Flip Flop T Flip Flop Logic diagrams and truth tables of the different types of flip-flops are as follows: S-R Flip Flop : J-K Flip Flop: D Flip Flop : T Flip Flop : Conversion for Flip-Flops:- EXCITATION TABLE : Steps To Convert from One FlipFlop to Other : Let there be required flipflop to be constructed using sub-flipflop: Draw the truth table of the required flip-flop. Write the corresponding outputs of sub-flipflop to be used from the excitation table. Draw K-Maps using required flipflop inputs and obtain excitation functions for sub-flipflop inputs. Construct logic diagram according to the functions obtained. i) Convert SR To JK FlipFlop Excitation Functions: ii) Convert SR To D FlipFlop: Excitation Functions: S = D R = D ‘ Applications of Flip-Flops These are the va...