BCA Syllabus Topics

SEMESTER-2nd Course: BCA



Unit-I: Digital computer and digital system; Binary number system: number base conversion. Compliments: one's, two's, 9's and 10's complements code: Gray BCD, ASCII, and error detection code. Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT, EX-OR, Universal gate. Logic Circuit. Boolean function: Rules and simplification, simplification of Boolean function using map method, don't care condition.

Unit-II: Combinational Circuits: Adders, Subtractors, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer Decoder, Encoder) Sequential Circuit: Flip-Flop: RS, Clocked RS, JK, D flip-flop, and Master board, Case studies to understand organization of laptop like Dell, Lenovo etc. slave flip-flop. Register- Introduction, Shift register, serial Transfer & parlor Load. Counters- Ripple Counter (Asynchronous), Synchronous Counters.

Unit-III: 8086 internal architecture, register organization of 8086, addressing modes, instruction set and assembler directives, data movement instructions. Register Transfer, Bus and Memory transfer, Micro operation: Logic and Shift Instruction code: Instruction code, Direct and Indirect address. Interrupt and Processing and Parallel Interrupt cycle, Machine Language: Assembly language, assembler. Subroutines

Unit-IV: Control processing unit: general register organization, stack organization. polish notation. Instruction Format: Three Address instruction, Addressing modes, RISC and CISC, Pipeline and its types.

Unit-V: Computer Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction with H/W algorithm Multiplication algorithm, Booth Multiplication. Mode of transfer: DMA, DMA controller Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy Main memory, Auxiliary, Associative, catch, and Virtual memory

Text Books:

  • Computer Architecture & Parallel Processing Sigapur (TMH)
  • Digital Electronics W.HGothman (PHI)
  • Modern digital electronics R.P Jain (TMH)
  • Digital fundamental Floyd (UBS)
  • Digital Computers (H) Tiwari Ashish (KamalPrakashan)

Reference Books:

  • Digital Computer Electronics MALVINO (TMH Publication)
  • Computer System Architecture MORRIS MANO (PHI Publication)
  • Digital Computer Fundamentals BARTEE (TMH Publication)


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