Full Adder

Full Adder is the adder which adds three inputs and produces two outputs. The first two inputs are A and B and the third input is an input carry as C-IN. The output carry is designated as C-OUT and the normal output is designated as S which is SUM.

A full adder logic is designed in such a manner that can take eight inputs together to create a byte-wide adder and cascade the carry bit from one adder to another.

Full Adder Truth Table:

The SOP form can be obtained with the help of K-map as:

Full Adder

Sum = x' y' z+x' yz+xy' z'+xyz
Carry = xy+xz+yz

Logical Expression for SUM:
= A’ B’ C-IN + A’ B C-IN’ + A B’ C-IN’ + A B C-IN
= C-IN (A’ B’ + A B) + C-IN’ (A’ B + A B’)
= (1,2,4,7)

Logical Expression for C-OUT:
= A’ B C-IN + A B’ C-IN + A B C-IN’ + A B C-IN
= A B + B C-IN + A C-IN
= (3,5,6,7)

Another form in which C-OUT can be implemented:
= A B + A C-IN + B C-IN (A + A’)
= A B C-IN + A B + A C-IN + A’ B C-IN
= A B (1 +C-IN) + A C-IN + A’ B C-IN
= A B + A C-IN + A’ B C-IN
= A B + A C-IN (B + B’) + A’ B C-IN
= A B C-IN + A B + A B’ C-IN + A’ B C-IN
= A B (C-IN + 1) + A B’ C-IN + A’ B C-IN
= A B + A B’ C-IN + A’ B C-IN
= AB + C-IN (A’ B + A B’)
Therefore COUT = AB + C-IN (A EX–OR B)

Full Adder logic circuit.

Implementation of Full Adder using Half Adders
2 Half Adders and an OR gate are required to implement a Full Adder.

With this logic circuit, two bits can be added together, taking a carry from the next lower order of magnitude, and sending a carry to the next higher order of magnitude.

Implementation of Full Adder using NAND gates:

Implementation of Full Adder using NOR gates:
Total 9 NOR gates are required to implement a Full Adder.


  • Perform the XOR operation of inputs A and B.
  • Perform the XOR operation of the outcome with carry. So, the sum is (A XOR B) XOR Cin which is also represented as:
    (A ⊕ B) ⊕ Cin


  1. Perform the 'AND' operation of input A and B.
  2. Perform the 'XOR' operation of input A and B.
  3. Perform the 'OR' operations of both the outputs that come from the previous two steps. So the 'Carry' can be represented as:
    A.B + (A ⊕ B)


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