Universal Gate


NAND and NOR gates are known as universal gates because any of these two gates is capable of implementing all other gate functions.

1. NAND Gate as a Universal Gate

The NAND gate can be used to implement the NOT function, AND function, the OR function and other functions also as explained below.

The NOT Gate using NAND Gate

An inverter can be made from a NAND gate by connecting all of the inputs together and creating, in effect, a single common input, as shown in Figure 2.10, for a two-input NAND gate. Algebraically, we may write

The AND Gate Using NAND Gate

To construct an AND gate from NAND gates, an inverter or a NOT gate is required to invert the output of a NAND gate. This inversion cancels out the first inverted operation of NAND gate and the final result will be AND function as depicted in Figure. Algebraically,

The OR Gate using NAND Gate

To construct OR function using only NAND gates, first we transform the OR function as follows.

The above equation is implemented using only NAND gates as shown in the Figure.

The NOR Gate Using NAND Gate

We know that Boolean expression for NOR gate is

The above equation is implemented using only NAND gates, as shown in the Figure.

The Ex-OR Gate using NAND Gate

The Boolean expression for Ex-OR gate is given  by

So, five NAND gates are required to implement the Ex-OR gate as shown in Figure.

Ex-NOR Gate Using NAND Gate

Ex-NOR gate can be constructed by taking complement of Ex-OR. That is, we need one more NAND gate to implement the Ex-NOR function. The figure shows Ex-NOR implementation using five NAND gates.


2. NOR Gate as a Universal Gate

Just like the NAND gate, the NOR gate also may be used to implement all other operations of Boolean algebra. These are explained in following texts.

NOT Gate Using NOR Gate

In the same way as the NAND gate described above, an inverter can be made from a NOR gate by connecting all of the inputs together and creating, in effect, a single common input, as shown in Figure. Algebraically,

OR Gate Using NOR Gate

An OR gate can be created by simply inverting the output of a NOR gate as shown in Figure. Algebraically,


AND Gate using NOR Gate

AND function can be generated using three NOR gates. We know that Boolean expression for AND gate is

The above equation is implemented using only NOR gates as shown in Figure.

NAND Gate using NOR Gate

The Boolean expression for NAND gate is

The above equation is implemented using only NOR gates, as shown in Figure.


 The Ex-OR Gate using NOR Gate

XOR function may also be implemented by using NOR gates. The Ex- OR operation is given by,

The above expression can be realized using five NOR gates as 
shown in Figure.

The Ex-NOR Gate using NOR Gate

To implement Ex-NOR gate using NOR gates, we just remove the last NOR gates from the circuit of Ex-OR gates shown in Figure.



1.        Digital Design by M. Morris Mano, Michael D Ciletti, Pearson
2.        Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L. Floyd, R. P. Jain, Pearson
3.        Digital Circuits and Design by S Salivahanan, S Arivazhagan, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
4.        Digital Systems by Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss, Pearson
5.        Digital Electronics Principles And Integrated Circuits by Anil K. Maini
6.        Fundamentals of Digital Circuits by Anand Kumar
7.        Digital Electronics by John Morris
8.        Digital Electronics : An Introduction To Theory And Practice By William Gothmann.


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