
BCA Syllabus Topics

SEMESTER-2 nd Course: BCA SUBJECT: DIGITAL COMPUTER ORGANIZATION Syllabus : Unit-I : Digital computer and digital system; Binary number system: number base conversion. Compliments: one's, two's, 9's and 10's complements code: Gray BCD, ASCII, and error detection code. Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT, EX-OR, Universal gate. Logic Circuit. Boolean function: Rules and simplification, simplification of Boolean function using map method, don't care condition. Unit-II: Combinational Circuits: Adders, Subtractors, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer Decoder, Encoder) Sequential Circuit: Flip-Flop: RS, Clocked RS, JK, D flip-flop, and Master board, Case studies to understand organization of laptop like Dell, Lenovo etc. slave flip-flop. Register- Introduction, Shift register, serial Transfer & parlor Load. Counters- Ripple Counter (Asynchronous), Synchronous Counters. Unit-III: 8086 internal architecture, register organization of 8086, addressing modes, instruction set and assembler ...

BCA 2nd Semester Syllabus (Digital Computer Organization)


Boolean Algebra Questions with Solutions

Definition: The algebra of logic is a Boolean algebra. It works with variables with two different values, such as 0 (False) and 1 (True), as well as logically significant operations. George Boole invented the first way of manipulating symbolic logic, which later became known as Boolean Algebra. Because of its vast applications in switching theory, developing basic electronic circuits, and designing digital computers, Boolean algebra has become a vital tool in computer science. The following are the basic operations of Boolean algebra: AND or conjunction operation OR operation or disjunction Not or Negative operation Rules: Suppose X and Y are two Boolean variables, then the three operations are defined as follows; X AND Y, satisfies X ∧ Y = True, if X = Y = True or else X ∧ Y = False. X OR Y, satisfies X ∨ Y = False, if X = Y = False, else X ∨ Y = True. ¬X satisfies ¬X = False, if X = True and ¬X = True if X = False Boolean Algebra Questions with Solutions 1. Define Boolean expression....

Digital Techniques Diploma (Poly) 3rd semester


Time Table Session 2021-22


Syllabus :- Diploma E.E., Subject :- Digital Electronics


Digital Logic Families

Digital Logic Families In Digital Designs, our primary aim is to create an Integrated Circuit (IC). A Circuit configuration or arrangement of the circuit elements in a special manner will result in a particular Logic Family. The electrical characteristics of the IC will be identical. In other words, the different parameters like Noise Margin, Fan In, Fan Out etc will be identical. Different ICs belonging to the same logic families will be compatible with each other. The basic Classification of the Logic Families are as follows: A) Bipolar Families B) MOS Families C) Hybrid Devices A) Bipolar Families: Diode Logic (DL) Resistor Transistor Logic (RTL) Diode Transistor Logic (DTL) Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL) or Current Mode Logic (CML) Integrated Injection Logic (IIL) B) MOS Families: 1. P-MOS Family 2. N-MOS Family 3. Complementary-MOS Family Standard C-MOS Clocked C-MOS Bi-CMOS Pseudo N-MOS C-MOS Domino Logic Pass Transistor Logic C) Hybrid Family: Bi-C...